Ero sivun ”Wine/Winetricks” versioiden välillä

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9 299 merkkiä poistettu ,  11. huhtikuuta 2022
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(6 välissä olevaa versiota 2 käyttäjän tekeminä ei näytetä)
Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
[[Wine]]ä voidaan myös muokata winetricks nimisen apuohjelman avulla. Tämä scripti auttaa sinua asentamaan [[wikipedia:fi:Windows|Windows-sovellusten]] ja järjestelmän tarvitsemia tiedostoja (kuten .dll-tiedostot)  kirjastoja, fontteja, ohjelmia ja rekisteriarvoja. Ohjelma lataa tarvittavat tiedostot automaatisesti.
{{ Ohjelma
| nimi=Winetricks
| kuva=
| kuvateksti=
| käyttöliittymä=teksti, [[GTK]]
| lisenssi=[[GPLv2.1]]
| kotisivu=[]
[[Kuva:Winentricks.png‎|250px|right|thumb|Kuva Winetricks-apuohjelmasta.]]
[[Kuva:Winentricks-alpha.png‎|250px|right|thumb|Kuva Winetricks alpha apuohjelmasta.]]
[[Kuva:Winetricks-alpha-Select-package-to-install.png|250px|right|thumb|Valitse asennettava pelipaketti Winetricks alpha apuohjelmalla.]]
[[Wine]]ä voidaan myös muokata <tt>winetricks</tt> tai <tt>winetricks-alpha</tt> nimisen apuohjelman avulla. Tämä scripti auttaa sinua asentamaan [[wikipedia:fi:Windows|Windows-sovellusten]] ja järjestelmän tarvitsemia tiedostoja (kuten .dll-tiedostot)  kirjastoja, fontteja, ohjelmia ja rekisteriarvoja. Ohjelma lataa tarvittavat tiedostot automaatisesti.

Rivi 14: Rivi 25:
  -V        # versio numero
  -V        # versio numero
  --version  # versio numero
  --version  # versio numero
===Saatavilla olevat paketit===
versioon 20100822
* 7zip          7-zip tiedosto pakkaaja
* adobeair      Adobe AIR runtime
* art2kmin      MS Access 2007 runtime
* atmlib        Adobe Type Manager. Needed for Adobe CS4
* autohotkey    Autohotkey (open source gui scripting language)
* cmake        CMake, the cross-platform, open-source build system
* colorprofile  Standard RGB color profile
* comctl32      MS common controls 5.80
* comctl32.ocx  MS comctl32.ocx and mscomctl.ocx, comctl32 wrappers for VB6
* controlpad    MS ActiveX Control Pad
* corefonts    MS Arial, Courier, Times fonts
* cygwin        Unix apps for Windows (needed by some build scripts)
* d3dx9        MS d3dx9_??.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
* d3dx9_28      MS d3dx9_28.dll
* d3dx9_36      MS d3dx9_36.dll
* d3dx10        MS d3dx10_??.dll (from DirectX user redistributable)
* d3dxof        MS d3dxof.dll (from DirectX user redistributable)
* dcom98        MS DCOM (ole32, oleaut32); requires Windows 98 license, but does not check for one
* dinput8      MS dinput8.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
* dirac        the Dirac directshow filter
* directmusic  MS DirectMusic (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
* directplay    MS DirectPlay (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
* directx9      MS DirectX 9 user redistributable (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)
* directx9-beta MS DirectX 9 user redistributable - beta verb (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)
* divx          divx video codec
* dotnet11      MS .NET 1.1 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
* dotnet20      MS .NET 2.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
* dotnet20sp2  MS .NET 2.0 sp2 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
* dotnet30      MS .NET 3.0 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one, might not work yet)
* droid        Droid fonts (on LCD, looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)
* dxsdk_nov2006 DirectX Software Development Kit, November 2006 version
* eadm          EA Download Manager
* eufonts      Updated fonts for Romanian and Bulgarian
* ffdshow      ffdshow video codecs
* firefox      Firefox web browser
* flash        Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins
* fm20          MS Forms 2.0 Object Library
* fontfix      Fix bad fonts which cause crash in some apps (e.g. .net).
* fontsmooth-bgr        Enables subpixel smoothing for BGR LCDs
* fontsmooth-disable    Disables font smoothing
* fontsmooth-gray      Enables grayscale font smoothing
* fontsmooth-rgb        Enables subpixel smoothing for RGB LCDs
* gdiplus      MS gdiplus.dll
* gecko-dbg    The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla), with debugging symbols
* gecko        The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla)
* gfw          MS Game For Windows Live (xlive.dll)
* glut          The glut utility library
* hosts        Adds empty C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\{hosts,services} files
* ie6          Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
* ie7          Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
* ie8          Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0
* jet40        MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8
* kde          KDE for Windows installer
* liberation    Red Hat Liberation fonts (Sans, Serif, Mono)
* lucida        MS Lucida Console font
* mdac25        MS MDAC 2.5: Microsoft ODBC drivers, etc.
* mdac27        MS MDAC 2.7
* mdac28        MS MDAC 2.8
* mfc40        MS mfc40 (Microsoft Foundation Classes from Visual C++ 4)
* mfc42        MS mfc42 (same as vcrun6 below)
* mingw-gdb    GDB for MinGW
* mingw        Minimalist GNU for Windows, including GCC for Windows!
* mono20        mono-2.0.1
* mono22        mono-2.2
* mono24        mono-2.4
* mono26        mono-2.6
* mozillabuild  Mozilla build environment
* mpc          Media Player Classic
* mshflxgd      MS Hierarchical Flex Grid Control
* msi2          MS Installer 2.0
* msls31        MS Line Services 3.1 (needed by native riched?)
* msmask        MS Masked Edit Control
* mspaint      MS Paint (gotta draw stick figures somehow...)
* msscript      MS Script Control
* msxml3        MS XML version 3
* msxml4        MS XML version 4
* msxml6        MS XML version 6
* ogg          ogg filters/codecs: flac, theora, speex, vorbis, schroedinger
* ole2          MS 16 bit OLE
* openwatcom    Open Watcom C/C++ compiler (can compile win16 code!)
* pdh          MS pdh.dll (Performance Data Helper)
* physx        NVIDIA/AGEIA PhysX runtime
* psdk2003      MS Platform SDK 2003
* psdkvista    MS Vista SDK (does not install yet)
* psdkwin7      MS Windows 7 SDK (installing just headers and c++ compiler works)
* python26      Python 2.6.2 (and pywin32)
* python-comtypes Python 0.6.1-1 comtypes package
* quartz        quartz.dll (from Directx 9 user redistributable)
* quicktime72  Apple Quicktime 7.2
* riched20      MS riched20 and riched32
* riched30      MS riched30
* richtx32      MS Rich TextBox Control 6.0
* safari        Apple Safari web browser
* secur32      MS secur32
* shockwave    Adobe Shockwave Player
* steam        Steam Client App from Valve
* tahoma        MS Tahoma font (not part of corefonts)
* urlmon        MS urlmon.dll
* usp10        MS usp10.dll (Uniscribe)
* utorrent      uTorrent
* vb2run        MS Visual Basic 2 runtime
* vb3run        MS Visual Basic 3 runtime
* vb4run        MS Visual Basic 4 runtime
* vb5run        MS Visual Basic 5 runtime
* vb6run        MS Visual Basic 6 Service Pack 6 runtime
* vc2005express MS Visual C++ 2005 Express
* vc2005expresssp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 Express SP1 (does not work yet)
* vc2005sp1    MS Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 and ATL fix (install trial 1st)
* vc2005hotfix  MS Visual C++ 2005 hotfixes (install sp1 1st)
* vc2005trial  MS Visual C++ 2005 Trial
* vcrun2003    MS Visual C++ 2003 libraries (mfc71,msvcp71,msvcr71)
* vcrun2005    MS Visual C++ 2005 sp1 libraries (mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80)
* vcrun2008    MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries (mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90)
* vcrun6        MS Visual C++ 6 sp4 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt)
* vcrun6sp6    MS Visual C++ 6 sp6 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt; 64 MB download)
* vjrun20      MS Visual J# 2.0 SE libraries (requires dotnet20)
* vlc          VLC media player
* wenquanyi    WenQuanYi CJK font (on LCD looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)
* windowscodecs MS Windows Imaging Component
* wininet      MS wininet.dll (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
* wme9          MS Windows Media Encoder 9 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
* wmp10        MS Windows Media Player 10 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
* wmp9          MS Windows Media Player 9 (requires Windows license, but does not check for one)
* wsh56js      MS Windows scripting 5.6, jscript only, no cscript
* wsh56        MS Windows Scripting Host 5.6
* wsh56vb      MS Windows scripting 5.6, vbscript only, no cscript
* xact          MS XACT Engine (x3daudio?_?.dll, xactengine?_?.dll)
* xvid          xvid video codec
* alldlls=builtin  Force use of builtin dlls (even if loaded with absolute path) (except for msvcp80 and d3dx9_*)
* alldlls=default  Remove all DLL overrides
* allfonts      All listed fonts (corefonts, droid, eufonts, liberation, lucida, tahoma, wenquanyi)
* allcodecs    All listed codecs (xvid, ffdshow)
* ddr=gdi      Set DirectDrawRenderer to GDI (default)
* ddr=opengl    Set DirectDrawRenderer to OpenGL
* dsoundbug9612 Use DirectSound MaxShadowSize=0 workaround for bug #9612
* fakeie6      Set registry to claim IE6sp1 is installed
* forcemono    Force using mono instead of .Net (for debugging)
* glsl-disable  Disable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D
* glsl-enable  Enable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D (default)
* heapcheck    Enable heap checking
* multisampling=enabled  Enable Direct3D multisampling
* multisampling=disabled Disable Direct3D multisampling (default)
* native_mdac  Override odbc32, odbccp32 and oledb32
* native_oleaut32 Override oleaut32
* nocrashdialog Disable the graphical crash dialog
* orm=backbuffer Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=backbuffer
* orm=fbo        Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=fbo (default)
* orm=pbuffer    Registry tweak: OffscreenRenderingMode=pbuffer
* rtlm=auto      Set RenderTargetLockMode to auto (default)
* rtlm=disabled  Set RenderTargetLockMode to disabled
* rtlm=readdraw  Set RenderTargetLockMode to readdraw
* rtlm=readtex  Set RenderTargetLockMode to readtex
* rtlm=texdraw  Set RenderTargetLockMode to texdraw
* rtlm=textex    Set RenderTargetLockMode to textex
* sandbox        Sandbox the wineprefix - remove links to ~
* sound=alsa      Set sound driver to ALSA
* sound=audioio    Set sound driver to AudioIO
* sound=coreaudio  Set sound driver to CoreAudio
* sound=esd        Set sound driver to Esound
* sound=jack      Set sound driver to Jack
* sound=nas        Set sound driver to Nas
* sound=oss        Set sound driver to OSS
* sound=disabled  Disable sound
* strictdrawordering=enabled Enable StrictDrawOrdering (default)
* strictdrawordering=disabled Disable StrictDrawOrdering
* nt40          Set windows version to nt40
* win98        Set windows version to Windows 98
* win2k        Set windows version to Windows 2000
* winxp        Set windows version to Windows XP
* vista        Set windows version to Windows Vista
* win7          Set windows version to Windows 7
* winver=      Set windows version to default (winxp)
* volnum        Rename drive_c to harddiskvolume0 (needed by some installers)
* mwo=force Set MouseWarpOverride to force (needded by some games
* mwo=enabled  Set MouseWarpOverride to enabled (default)
* mwo=disable  Set MouseWarpOverride to disable
* npm-repack    Set NonPower2Mode to repack
* psm=on        Set PixelShaderMode to enabled
* psm=off      Set PixelShaderMode to disabled
* vsm-hard      Set VertexShaderMode to hardware

==Katso myös==
==Katso myös==
Rivi 205: Rivi 31:

==Aiheesta muualla==
==Aiheesta muualla==
* [ Ohjelman kotisivu]
* [ Winetricks ohjelman lähdekoodit GitHubissa].

[[Luokka:Emulaattorit ja virtuaalikoneet]]  
[[Luokka:Emulaattorit ja virtuaalikoneet]]  
[[Luokka:Ohjelmat Winellä]]
10 148

